Adult Day Program

Copernicus Lodge’s Adult Day Program is a community-based service that provides a variety of planned recreational therapeutic programs throughout the day. Our goal is to use fun and engaging activities to improve or maintain physical, cognitive, social, emotional and spiritual functioning.  

Our clients include those who have begun to lose functional, and/or mental capacity, have Alzheimer’s disease or other dementia, Parkinson’s disease, stroke, developmental disabilities, visual problems, mental illness, living alone and in need of social outlets, and/or have caregivers who work outside the home. We also offer respite care for family caregivers.

The Adult Day Program is designed to evoke a comfortable feeling of warmth for our clients. We offer a familiar, supportive, safe, caring environment within their own cultural milieu and within their own peer group. Within the area is a separate safe drop off and pick up location, a kitchen, open common and lounge areas, a shower room, male and female washroom facilities, and a staff work area with open access to supervise clients. Security systems are installed at all door entry locations and an emergency nurse call system is in place in all public areas and washrooms.

Staff are specialized in providing this level of care and service—all client-driven, ensuring sensitivity in respecting the spiritual, linguistic, cultural and ethnic aspects of each client’s life. All services and programs are provided in the Polish and English language.

Services are available 4 days/week: Monday to Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

A maximum of 15 – 20 clients can be accommodated per day. Adult Day Program Clients can attend one day per week and up to five days per week depending on their needs and preferences, or a half day option is also available. An assessment is completed to determine an individual’s suitability for the program.

Day program activities occur in the Day Program area, Central Facilities, public areas, outdoor areas and the community. Day Program clients where possible, integrate with Supportive Housing tenants and Long-Term Care residents through joint activities. Day program clients benefit from the availability of services such as the existing onsite Chapel with daily Mass and more.

The program receives financial support from the Ministry of Health; however, each client pays a minimal fee of $39.50 for a full day (includes lunch and snack) or $20.00 for a half day.


If you are interested in joining our Adult Day Program, please contact the Community Programs Manager or Supervisor at 416.536.7122 or email